Monday, 25 January 2010
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Friday, 22 January 2010
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Monday, 18 January 2010
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Friday, 15 January 2010
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Monday, 11 January 2010
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Monday, 4 January 2010
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Friday, 1 January 2010
Im going to try to be diligent for 2010 and post a photo for each day of this year - Project 365 :)
It will be hard as I usually capture lots of photos some days and others i forget.
With the Australian Scout Jamboree happening too, I know there will be hundreds of photos taken most days - so chosing will be difficult!
So on to day one :)
Our First Family photo together for 2010, last one was when Mitchell was about 5 - almost 5 years back! Not perfect, taken on a timer, but hey we are all together :)
It will be hard as I usually capture lots of photos some days and others i forget.
With the Australian Scout Jamboree happening too, I know there will be hundreds of photos taken most days - so chosing will be difficult!
So on to day one :)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
House/family update.

Our poor old kitchen is getting the chop, and making way for the internal stairs to go in. This kitchen used to look so much better when it had bright yellow cupboards to match the bring green benchtop lol Rob did ask when we bought 2 years ago if i wanted to redo the kitchen, but we decided it would be silly seeing as we were going to expand downstairs anyway - and i wanted the pool in for the kids lol

So this big green patch is where the stair hole will be in a day or so and i am left with less than half a kitchen, for a few weeks lol

Our new family member, miss Penelope Pitt(stopp) lol

and we have another water baby ladies and gents. Micah just LOVES The pool, not sure if it is because he loves being with the big kids or because it is a big bath for him.

Lilly modelling our new front door - we spent alot of time thinking/agonising over it, and i picked the glass out too. looks really nice.

and here are our stairs :) They are old stairs from another building, which rob ran thru a thicknesser - The timber is ironbark, I cant wait for them to go in!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
October Rolls on ..
Time is slipping away from me this year, Caleb and Lilly's birthdays loom along with Christmas shortly behind them.
Much has been happening at our place, our house has been having some changes - it has attracted alot of attention from people passing by due to the heights it reached. We were living in the "Jenga" house for a while lol

Our house was slightly wobbly when the kids ran through the house while it was up on the blocks, but I am so much happier when it was rested down on the blocks. We lived in it during the process, I vacated for the day while they were jacking it up though :)
The stairs from the rear of the house, are for now, on the front of the house. There wont be any external stairs, just 1 set of internal. I love my bifold doors at the back, they let in so much fresh air & breeze, will definately be a bonus in summer time!
Right now, there are timber frames up for all the rooms under the house, and Rob is busy getting ready for the ceiling and walls to go in, after the plumber and sparky have been.
LOVE this photo atm, from around Fathers day, got to love the big bit of baby dribble about to hit Rob :)

There has been alot of this going on around here lately, along with some rocking, and going backwards and spinning round in circles ..... We are all waiting for the big event of Crawling to happen, watching in anticipation, you might be able to hear the excited squeals when it happens :)

My Fav photo atm, all my family, and all the big kids are smiling!! rare feat atm, I have one who thinks he cant smile and the other does silly goofy smiles :)
Much has been happening at our place, our house has been having some changes - it has attracted alot of attention from people passing by due to the heights it reached. We were living in the "Jenga" house for a while lol

Our house was slightly wobbly when the kids ran through the house while it was up on the blocks, but I am so much happier when it was rested down on the blocks. We lived in it during the process, I vacated for the day while they were jacking it up though :)

Right now, there are timber frames up for all the rooms under the house, and Rob is busy getting ready for the ceiling and walls to go in, after the plumber and sparky have been.
LOVE this photo atm, from around Fathers day, got to love the big bit of baby dribble about to hit Rob :)

There has been alot of this going on around here lately, along with some rocking, and going backwards and spinning round in circles ..... We are all waiting for the big event of Crawling to happen, watching in anticipation, you might be able to hear the excited squeals when it happens :)

My Fav photo atm, all my family, and all the big kids are smiling!! rare feat atm, I have one who thinks he cant smile and the other does silly goofy smiles :)

Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Time moves so fast
It amazes me that our Little Micah is now 4.5 months old. Every day he brings us so much love and Joy, not to mention delightful smiles and baby squeals/gurgles/chatter. Even when he wakes in the middle of the night and i think he is a little ratbag, he smiles at me when i pick him up and I love the time i spend with him. Mind you, Rob has been getting up to him lately, and i can hear him chatting away to him, just like I do lol
Just look at his beautiful little mouth and those way cute chubby cheeks, they are so round and atm they are rather rosy red as he is working on his first little tooth.
Got to catch up with the Wyles kiddies on the Holidays when I picked Lilly up from her visit.

I totally LOVE this phot0, Lilly took it, he looks like he is begging, with those big eyes looking at you :)

Micah's first set of big boy jammies :)

Got to love winter, all snuggled down for a sleep :)

Micah has found his hands, loves to hold on to things - if you are holding him, it is your hair or shirt, on Rob it is his chest hairs lol He is so alert and loves looking at everything, loves being outside, everything seems to captivate him. He has rolled over onto his tummy a couple of times, he loves to wriggle about and roll onto his side alot.
Big kids are doing well, Caleb is getting over Whooping Cough, our whole family was housebound until we took a full course of antibiotics, and they made us all sicker! Mitchell is in the top 23% of kids in computer studies, as he did a test earlier in the year and received a credit for it, clever munchkin! Caleb has been busy spending time at school after hours working with the production crew on a play, he is in the tech box doing the lights & his first high school report card was really good, got really wonderful comments from his teachers. Lilly's Patrol came 3rd at Triple S over the school holidays in their camping standards, out of about 800 other scouts, and they came 2nd in the talent show as well.
Life moves too fast, I seem to be saying that alot this year, wish i could slow it all down and just capture it all.

I totally LOVE this phot0, Lilly took it, he looks like he is begging, with those big eyes looking at you :)

Micah's first set of big boy jammies :)

Got to love winter, all snuggled down for a sleep :)

Micah has found his hands, loves to hold on to things - if you are holding him, it is your hair or shirt, on Rob it is his chest hairs lol He is so alert and loves looking at everything, loves being outside, everything seems to captivate him. He has rolled over onto his tummy a couple of times, he loves to wriggle about and roll onto his side alot.
Big kids are doing well, Caleb is getting over Whooping Cough, our whole family was housebound until we took a full course of antibiotics, and they made us all sicker! Mitchell is in the top 23% of kids in computer studies, as he did a test earlier in the year and received a credit for it, clever munchkin! Caleb has been busy spending time at school after hours working with the production crew on a play, he is in the tech box doing the lights & his first high school report card was really good, got really wonderful comments from his teachers. Lilly's Patrol came 3rd at Triple S over the school holidays in their camping standards, out of about 800 other scouts, and they came 2nd in the talent show as well.
Life moves too fast, I seem to be saying that alot this year, wish i could slow it all down and just capture it all.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Micah's Blessing Day - 7 June
What a special day in our family. Micah looked so cute in his little outfit, which Caleb Wore almost 14 years ago for his Naming Ceremony, and Mitchell for his 8 years ago. I can't remember who made the little booties for him, but they were just perfect :)

Micah got to share his special day with Anya ( about 6 or 7 weeks old),
they are so cute together :)
they are so cute together :)

The blessing was lovely, well what i could hear of it. As soon as The blessing started and the men laid their hands on Micah he began crying. Then as soon as it was finished, he was nice and quiet. lol go figure. Bishop said he must not have liked his name lol
I can't believe how quickly the last 3 months have gone!! Micah is so engaging all the time, he is so alert and watches every move you make. He recognizes his family. When Rob comes home, he hears his voice and looks around for him, and then lights up with a big smile when he finds him. He still loves his bath time and still gets upset when he has to get out, and cries louder when he has to get dressed. He is such a wonderful sleeper, about 2 weeks ago he began sleeping from 9 - 12 hours a night, no idea how this is happening, he just does it.
We are also very excited atm as our loan has been approved for us to do our house extensions!! We will be doubling our current living space. We are jacking up our house, and building in underneath and also building a garage attached to the house. Downstaris will be living area (lounge, kitchen, dining, office etc) and upstairs will then become all bedrooms, and a small rumpus room for the kids, with the exsisting toilet and bathroom still in place. We can't wait to get started!
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